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COP28 disappointment for Guyana as Carbon Market talks fail to advance

Guyana was quite interested in these talks particularly because it wanted to champion its low carbon development strategy and its carbon credits venture. At the end of COP28 though, Vice President Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo said Guyana was disappointed that the carbon market talks failed to advance.

This year’s global climate talks, COP28, ended last week in Dubai. The two week marathon of engagements and negotiations ended with several key outcomes ranging from a transition away from fossil fuels to financial pledges to support vulnerable countries. Guyana was quite interested in these talks particularly because it wanted to champion its low carbon development strategy and its carbon credits venture. At the end of COP28 though, Vice President Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo said Guyana was disappointed that the carbon market talks failed to advance.

This story was originally published by the News Room, with the support of Climate Tracker’s COP28 Climate Justice Reporting Fellowship.


Picture of Vishani Ragobeer

Vishani Ragobeer

Vishani is a 22-year-old Guyanese journalist, with a special interest in science journalism. She is a Climate Tracker alum fellow, having reported on the COP26 climate negotiations. Vishani loves travelling, meeting new places and getting on top of high places.

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